

Dr Helen Hogan
Associate Director of QSO
Associate Professor in Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Helen trained as a general practitioner before undertaking speciality training in public health. She has been a clinical health service researcher at LSHTM since 2006. Her main interest has been the assessment of the scale and scope of avoidable hospital deaths. This research has informed the roll out of the National Mortality Case Record Review Programme across English acute hospital Trusts. Over the last 3 years she has been collaborating with the Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre on a study to determine the association between hospital services designed to identify and respond to patient deterioration and in-hospital cardiac arrest rates and survival. In 2017 she was awarded a three-year Health Foundation Improvement Science Fellowship.

QSO Staff




Professor Sir Nick Black
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
After qualifying in medicine from Birmingham University in 1974, he worked in NHS hospitals before running a child health programme in Nepal.  Post-graduate training at Oxford included a doctorate on reasons for the epidemic in surgery for glue ear was followed by writing an Open University distance-learning course, ‘Health and Disease’, with a biologist, sociologist and economist.  In 1985 he moved to the LSHTM and was promoted to a Chair in Health Services Research in 1995.  His main research interests are assessing the quality of care (particularly in surgery, critical care and dementia care), patient-reported outcomes and policy to transform health and social care. In 1996, together with Nick Mays, he founded the Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, which they edited for 21 years. In 2005 he was elected founding chair of  HSRUK and in 2006 published Walking London’s Medical History (new edition 2012) to raise public understanding of health services and health care policy through seven walks through London.From 2007 to 2016 he chaired the National Advisory Group for Clinical Audit & Enquiries for DH/NHS England and was served on several other advisory groups on quality assessment. In 2017 he was knighted for services to health care research.
James Caiels
PSSRU, University of Kent
Dr Helen Crocker
Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford
Professor David Cromwell
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
David Cromwell is a Health Services Researcher whose work has focused on evaluating how well health services deliver care to patients.  In particular, he has undertaken work that has used linked clinical and administrative datasets to provide greater insight into healthcare practices and outcomes. He has an operational research background and teaches Health Care Evaluation on the MSc in Public Health at the LSHTM.
Alan Dargan
PSSRU, University of Kent
Sarah Godfrey
PSSRU, University of Kent
Chris Graham
Picker Institute Europe
Chris Graham is Chief Executive of the Picker Institute, an Oxford-based charity with a mission to promote and improve person-centred care. His principal research interests are in measuring, understanding, and improving people’s experiences of receiving and providing care, especially through large scale quantitative surveys.
Professor Christopher Hodges
Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford
Professor Crispin Jenkinson
Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford
Crispin Jenkinson is Professor of Health Services Research in the Nuffield Department of Population Health in the University of Oxford, and an Official Fellow of Harris Manchester College. His main research interests include patient reported outcomes and health status measurement, the evaluation of patient experiences of medical care, and methodology. He has extensive experience of developing and validating outcome measures and, in collaboration with others, has conducted randomised controlled trials in which such instruments have been primary end-points. He has written and edited a number of books as well as having published over 220 peer reviewed papers.
Dr Karen Jones
PSSRU, University of Kent
Dr Mirza Lalani
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Sonia Macleod
Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford
Dr Michele Peters
Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford
Michele Peters is an Associate Professor in the Health Services Research Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford. Her research focuses on the delivery of high quality health and care services from the patient, informal carer perspective and professionals perspectives. Her work involve patient and/or carer survey using patient experience questionnaires and patient-reported outcome measures, and qualitative and mixed methods studies with patients, carers and professionals.
Dr Stacey Rand
PSSRU, University of Kent
Stacey is a Senior Research Fellow at the PSSRU in the University of Kent. Her main research interests are user-reported social care outcomes, especially with regard to measurement and methodology, and social care policy related to family carers.
Professor Joanne Reeve
Hull York Medical School
Joanne is an academic GP and research lead for the Academy of Primary Carer at Hull York Medical School, who aim to be a home for innovative scholarship driving excellence in primary care. Her own research focuses on strengthening person-centred primary health care. By combining expertise in the design and delivery of expert generalist medical care with methodological experience in complex intervention development and evaluation, Joanne’s work looks at primary care redesign in key areas including frailty, problematic polypharmacy and mental health. All of which is inspired by her work as an inner city GP.
Dr Daniel Roland
PSSRU, University of Kent
Daniel is a trained economist with focus on health economics. He joined PSSRU Kent in 2016 and worked on projects in collaboration with the European Observatory on Health System and Policies, RAND Europe, the University of York and the University of São Paulo. He has experience in quantitative work with large datasets and on mixed methods projects. Recently he has taken keen interest on health and education inequalities in the developing world. His current interests are in health and social care economics in the UK and elsewhere, Economics of Education, Human Capital accumulation and dynamics, Social Economics and Econometric methods.
Nick Smith
PSSRU, University of Kent
Dr Amy Tallett
Picker Institute Europe
Amy is Head of Research at Picker, where she is responsible for building a diverse portfolio of research projects to facilitate the delivery of high quality health and social care. Research projects utilise quantitative and qualitative techniques to understand and measure people’s experiences of health and social care. She has led on the development of patient feedback measures for children and young people, those with specific long-term health conditions such as pancreatic cancer and sickle cell disease, and for specific services such as neonatal units and health visiting.
Professor Charles Vincent
Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford
Charles Vincent trained as a Clinical Psychologist and worked in the British NHS for several years. Since 1985 he has carried out research on the causes of harm to patients, the consequences for patients and staff and methods of improving the safety of healthcare. He is the author of Patient Safety (2ned edition 2010) and many papers on medical error, risk and patient safety. He has advised on patient safety in many inquiries and committees including the Berwick Review. In 2014 he took up a new most as Health Foundation professorial fellow in the Department of Psychology, University of Oxford. With Rene Amalberti he has recently published ‘Safer healthcare: strategies for the real world’ Springer, Open Access (2016). He has recently been appointed Director of Oxford Healthcare Improvement a centre based in Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust.
Jennifer Bostock- PPI Co-lead and Strategic Research Advisor

Jennifer is PPI Co-Lead for 3 Policy Research Units (QSO; PIRU & PH) & member of the PPI groups for ASCRU & Cancer Diagnosis/Screening PRU. She sits on the Scientific Advisory Board for the Behavioural Science PRU.

Jennifer is the Chair of the Public Advisory Group and the Ethics Lead for RDS London. She is a former Vice Chair of an NHS Research Ethics Committee (REC) & current Vice Chair & training lead for a global REC (Save the Children). Jennifer has sat on 5 NIHR funding panels, the CRUK Early Diagnosis funding panel and is currently on the HS&DR Board; the RfPB Chair’s Interview Panel & the UKRI Multimorbidity funding panel. She sits on the Board of the NIHR School of Public Health Research, NETSCC PPI Reference Group & the International Strategic Advisory Board of the Cambridge Uni Pub Health & Global Pub Health research units where she is also PPI Lead and Chair of the WM Public Advisory Group. She is a member of the NIHR Covid College of Experts & is currently serving the Healthcare Infection Society writing guidelines on Covid-19; MRSA and Rituals & Behaviours in Surgery

Outside research Jennifer works in Mental Health Law Chairing a Mental Health Act Appeals Panel & in medico-legal investigation as ‘HM’ (RCS) Inspector of Surgeons’ as part of the Invited Review Mechanism in UK and Eire & for the NHS as a member of the Independent Funding Review Panel. She is a former CQC Inspector/MHA Commissioner, RCGP Quality Assessor and GP performance Assessor & served for 3 years on various NICE committees. Jennifer is a former Wellcome Trust Biomedical Ethics Scholar and currently holds honorary contracts with the Universities Cambridge, Kent & KCL.

Jennifer designs and delivers training on PPI and research Ethics & is an independent visiting lecturer to the KCL medical school where she teaches psychiatric ethics.

Jennifer’s interest in health and social care comes from her living with a complex long term condition and caring for parents with complex health and social care needs.

Her PPI work has been published in a number of journals and other arenas some of which you can see at:

Matthew Baker- PPI Co-lead and Strategic Research Advisor

Matthew is the joint PPI co-lead and responsible for the strategic planning and implementation of PPI across the PRU. He has a background in social work, social work training, social work management and in curriculum development in a variety of educational contexts. His involvement in PPI is borne out of the experience of caring for and losing a close family member to cancer. He is currently a member of the National Cancer Research Institute Consumer Forum and he sits in a lay advisory capacity on two CRUK Expert Review Panels and on the CRUK Clinical Research Committee. He is a member of the steering committees of several trials and population-based studies relating to cancer research and social welfare

Dr Alison Allam- Strategic Research Advisor

Research Advisor for the Public Involvement Strategy and Implementation Group (PI-SIG) and the Engagement and Dissemination sub-group. Alison has an active interest in embedding PPI throughout the research process, and particularly involving PPI in the prioritisation of research topics and questions. In addition to her involvement with QSO Alison is involved in several other organisations. She is a commissioner of the Jersey Care Commission (an arm’s length body responsible for the regulation and inspection of health and social care services on island). She holds a non-clinical honorary contract with the Royal Marsden Hospital, London where she is PPI lead for the uncommon cancers working group. She is also an advisory member of the Chronic Illness Inclusion Project. Currently, a panel member of NIHR Health Services and Delivery Research and Research for Patient Benefit and the CRUK Population Research Committee

Anica Alvarez Nishio- Strategic Research Advisor

Anica is an editor and PPIE advocate.  She focuses on health, education, marginalised groups and community engagement (NICE Quality Standards Advisory Committee; various NIHR-funded research groups; Veterans’ Advisory Pensions Committee; Independent Monitoring Board HMP Erlestoke).  She has been trained in issues of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion by Health Education England (HEE) and Yale University.  Through her roles as a Lay Rep with HEE, local councillor and advocate for social-enterprise charities, she has first-hand experience in the practical delivery of health and mental-health care strategies, primarily making these equitably accessible for those in farming, military and mixed communities.  Additionally, she has hands-on/lived end-of-life and dementia care experience.  She is currently undertaking a postgraduate course in Philosophy and has an interest in the effective usage of data and technology and particularly in the ethical issues surrounding the delivery of care.

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