About QSO

The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Policy Research Units (PRUs) informs the government and relevant bodies when making policy decisions about health and social care. Between 2019 and 2023, the NIHR funded 15 PRUs covering a range of topics which included the Quality, Safety and Outcomes Policy Research Unit (NIHR QSO PRU). The NIHR QSO PRU was a collaboration between the Universities of Kent and Oxford, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), the Picker Institute and Hull-York Medical School.

In 2024, NIHR awarded over £100 million to 20 new Policy Research Units (PRUs) across England. The Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU) is leading the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Policy Research Unit in Quality, Safety and Outcomes of Health and Social Care (NIHR QSO PRU) in collaboration with the universities of Oxford, Leeds, Bradford, and the Picker Institute.Decorative

Professor Julien (Jules) Forder at PSSRU directed the initial NIHR QSO PRU and in January 2024 began directing the current NIHR QSO PRU. Professor Ray Fitzpatrick was the Deputy Director for both NIHR QSO PRUs. We are all deeply saddened that Jules passed away on the 28th July 2024 and Ray passed in April 2024.

During their careers, both Jules and Ray were determined to produce high quality research evidence to inform health and social care policy decisions.

Professor Karen Jones will be the interim Director of the NIHR QSO PRU and will direct the NIHR QSO PRU to ensure the programme continues to produce high quality research that the government and relevant bodies can use with confidence. A new Director will be announced following a competitive process over the next few months.

The NIHR QSO PRU programme will build on the previous NIHR QSO PRU programme and will continue to consider quality being affected in multiple ways in the system, including service design, implementation and delivery; and according to the people who are supported or contribute.

The PRUs will be framed by four interrelated themes.



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